ORSINI Treuhand AG | Pflanzschulstrasse 37 | 8400 Winterthur | 052 551 00 05
ORSINI Treuhand AG | Pflanzschulstrasse 37 | 8400 Winterthur | 052 551 00 05
Alberto Orsini was born on October 6, 1991 in Ebnat-Kappel in the canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland. After graduating from secondary school, fascinated by business and with the goal of entering the world of finance, he enrolled at the Swiss Fiduciary School in Zurich and completed his training as a fiduciary. In 2015, he specialized in business consulting and began working for national and international companies and individuals as a trustee and accountant.
In the meantime, he offers his leadership skills in the management of “ORSINI Treuhand AG” (in the Canton of Zurich), a family business specialized in financial services, especially in the national and international field such as Family Office.
Over the years, after achieving remarkable success in Central Switzerland by opening the Orsini office, Alberto decided to expand and opened another location in Bern in 2017. This led to a close cooperation with the Cantonal Treasury of Bern, whereupon he was appointed responsible for the internationalization of various companies based in Europe.
During his entrepreneurial career, Alberto seized various professional opportunities and today is involved in the management of various companies operating in different sectors and managed by a holding company.
In 2019, Alberto and his closest collaborators founded an important project that culminated in the creation of a highly diversified association compared to others based in Switzerland. The idea is to provide professional services for all compatriots living abroad.
In 2020, A.C.S.I.E., an association active in the financial, legal and notarial sectors in both Switzerland and Italy, was founded. In this way, the stay abroad of many compatriots is facilitated by the help of numerous professionals from various fields. In the same year, Alberto Orsini became interested in politics, the only means to actually improve the path and life of Italians living abroad.
For Alberto, this was the beginning of a long road with countless goals achieved and yet to be achieved, a task that from the beginning was approached with great seriousness and willingness to commit. Not only words, but also deeds: Thanks to his many qualities, his perseverance and his desire to innovate, in June 2021 Alberto received from Forbes the designation of Financial Expert, becoming a member of the “Forbes Council”, a fitting recognition after the great commitment of this young but enterprising man.